About Me

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About me....I graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2005 with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I taught third grade for two and a half years and then resigned for a year. I am now back teaching sixth grade science here in Mobile, Alabama. I have always had a passion for teaching. I have come to realize that my students motivate me to become an even better teacher. I am always learning new things and ideas.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Comments4Kids Week 8

I was assigned to a class blog that was explaining their 105th day of school. This blog was real neat. The teacher makes daily posts about the students' day. On this day, it was James' birthday. They started out their day by writing thank you notes. They colored buses and went out to the bus and decorated it with the thank you notes. The news came and took their picture. They were on the news that night. Also, they added a green heart to their calendar as it was the 105th day of school. Then, the students read the book Hush and then talked about their blog. They saw that a man named Tom liked their blog and he is from England. The students then went to lunch and came back to do centers. At the end of the day, James' parents brought birthday cake and ice cream to share with the class!! Yum. I told the students that I really enjoyed reading about their day and to keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for writing on our blog.
    And thank you for writing on your blog about our blog. We like that.
    We like you.
    You have blue.
    Your blog is blue.
    Iker likes blue.
    How old are you?
    Did you know six is sixth?
    Are you in sixth grade?
    That is more than Kindergarten.
    You must be bigger than us.

    We love you!
    Randy A, Cornella, Na'Zosheona, Sara, Iker, Luis, David, Briana, Jovany, Tyrone, Tatiana, Brian, Keyli, Melanie, Randy G., Jatemeyah, Daylin, Shamara, James, Ja'Mario and Mrs. Voigt
