About Me

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About me....I graduated from the University of South Alabama in 2005 with a bachelor degree in Elementary Education. I taught third grade for two and a half years and then resigned for a year. I am now back teaching sixth grade science here in Mobile, Alabama. I have always had a passion for teaching. I have come to realize that my students motivate me to become an even better teacher. I am always learning new things and ideas.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

I really liked this assignment. When I was researching websites and looking at blogs for my PLN, I found this video. I actually emailed Dr. Strange about this video and told him to take a look at it as I thought he would enjoy it. This was obviously before I had looked at our assignments for this weeks posts. I watched this video a couple of times. The student that created this did a very good job. I first watched this when I was trying to better understand about a PLN. The thought of students creating PLNs in the future really is exciting to think about.

When asked the question, "Why does the networked student even need a teacher?" I then watched this video again. Really, this video sums up the class we are taking right now. EDM310 with Dr. Strange includes all of the networks and technologies that this video explained. When I think of this question, I think of Dr. Strange. Why do we as a class need Dr. Strange? Well, he is here for guidance, he helps us learn how to use all of these new technologies, he models them, and he is our connected learning core. Without our teacher, we would not know about these new technologies or how to use them. I know that I have emailed Dr. Strange and spoke with him a few times about not only assignments but about how to use these programs. If it weren’t for our teacher, we would not know the direction to take. We would have to learn these things and explore them on our own.

Am I ready to be the teacher of a networked student? I am on the verge of starting to learn to be ready. This class in itself is a great starting point. I am not ready right now to take on a bunch of networked students. With all of the new ideas and programs that we are being opened to we all will one day come to a class that is far more advanced than they ever have been. We as educators need to learn with them. Just as Dr. Strange gave us the Comments4Teachers assignment, and he even stated that this is his first year trying this assignment with his students. We need to give him the good and rough points about this assignment. He is learning right along with us. I really would like to follow up with Ms. Drexler and see how this assignment went with her students in the fall. I am sure they will do great and that in the process they will learn a lot.


  1. I agree with you. I liked this video too. It was animated in just the right way in order to keep your interest while getting the point across.

  2. I totally agree! How lost would we be without a guide like Dr.Strange? Still the idea of teaching a networked student still intimidates me a little!
